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Continuing Education Policies and Procedures


Special Needs & Accommodations:  Facilities are accessible to persons with disabilities.  If you have a special need and plan to attend a workshop or retreat, please contact Jerome Front LMFT or Anne Front LMFT  818-760-7725.  Requests can be honored if received before 30 days prior to the event, or sooner. 


Continuing Education Information:  Jerome Front,  LMFT is approved by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists to sponsor Continuing Education for CA LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, LEPs and BBS Interns.  Jerome Front, LMFT maintains responsibility for this course and its content.  Pre-licensed members and associates may earn hours of experience for attending this workshop as approved by their supervisors.  These programs are appropriate and open to all clinicians and helping professionals, including but limited to Psychologists, Physicians, Registered Nurses, Educators, Teacher and, Clergy  - although CEUs are not provided to these professions.  The diversity of their backgrounds and clinical experience is welcome.  CE  Certificates for CA LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, LEPs and BBS Interns provided onsite.  CAMFT CEPA#: 015848. LMFT#:  MFC30359.


What To Bring:  We always recommend wearing comfortable, casual clothing,  worn in layers for maximum comfort.  In cooler rooms, a sweater, light jacket or cozy blanket may be helpful.  If any part of the workshop is held outdoors, participants will be notified in advance. In this case, bringing a sunhat, or sunscreen is welcome. 


Refunds/Cancellations:  Requests for refunds must be made in writing and received by our office more than seven days before the workshop event date listed on our website and flyers.  All of our educational programs, including workshops, classes and training retreats are refundable, minus a 10% cancellation fee, if requested in writing or email prior to seven days before the program.  Within seven days or closer to the educational program date,  (including workshops, classes, training retreats, etc.) – there are absolutely no refunds or transfers issued for any reason.


Illness: We recommend that participants do not attend the retreat if they are experiencing symptoms of influenza, COVID, cold or other acute illnesses. If the participant has questions about COVID status (including recent exposure), please test before coming to the event. There is no guarantee for well participants that they will not be exposed to illness. Jerome Front LMFT and Anne Front LMFT are not responsible for any illness exposure.  


Photographic & Video Imaging:  Jerome Front, LMFT and affiliates may be photographing, video taping, audio-taping or webcasting our workshops, classes or retreats.  Attendance at, and/or participation at any of these events constitute an agreement by the attendee to the use and distribution of the registrant’s or attendee’s image, likeness, or voice in photographs, video or audio formats, and electronic reproduction.


Grievance Policy: An Approved CEU Provider by CAMFT’s CEPA Program, Jerome Front, LMFT/ Program Director, is committed to conducting all activities in strict conformance with the CAMFT’s, AAMFT’s, and the APA’s (American Psychological Association) Ethical Principles. Jerome Front, LMFT will comply with all legal and ethical responsibilities to be non-discriminatory in promotional activities, program content and in the treatment of program participants. The monitoring of compliance with these standards will be the responsibility of the Program Director.  While Jerome Front, LMFT goes to great lengths to assure fair treatment for all participants and attempts to anticipate problems, there will be occasional issues which come to our attention which will require intervention and/or action on the part of the Program Director and/or Instructor.  There will always be an attempt to resolve the concern immediately, in person, in a reasonable and agreeable manner.  However, if not resolved in person, the following description serves as a guideline for handling such a grievance:


1) Participants will be asked to submit their concern in a written form, either by email or letter.  Their written complaint must include their contact information including: name, street address, email and phone #s, so we can respond in a timely manner.  An email would be sent to:;  A letter would be mailed to: Jerome Front, LMFT.

Within 10 business days of receiving the written concern, we will respond with a written, proposed solution, and when appropriate, also make an attempt to follow-up with a phone call.

2) When a participant, files a grievance and expects action on the complaint, the following actions will be taken:

If the grievance concerns a speaker, the content presented by the speaker, or the style of presentation, the individual filing the grievance will be asked to put his/her comments in written format. The Program Director will then pass on the comments to the speaker, assuring the confidentiality of the grieved individual.

3) If the grievance concerns a workshop offering, its’ content, level of presentation, or the facilities in which the workshop was offered, the Program Director will mediate and will be the final arbitrator. If the participant requests action, the Program Director will:
a. Provide a credit for a subsequent year's workshop, or
b. Provide a partial or full refund of the workshop fee.

 Actions 3a and 3b will require a written note, documenting the grievance, for record keeping purposes.  The note need not be signed by the concerned individual.


 If the grievance concerns the CE program, in a specific regard, the Program Director will attempt to arbitrate. 


Fragrance Sensitivity: To keep the environment free from unnecessary irritants, participants are ask to refrain from using heavily scented perfumes, colognes or other products.  Jerome Front LMFT and Anne Front LMFT are not responsible for unintended scents that participants may be exposed to.


For any questions or more information,  please email or call Jerome Front, LMFT:  818-760-7725.



Jerome Front, LMFT is approved by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists

(Provider #15848) to sponsor Continuing Education for CA LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs and/or LEPs.

Jerome Front, LMFT maintains responsibility for this course and its content.

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